Cari Amici (Dear Friends),
Buon Anno! or as my friend Elena texted me
“Tanti tanti auguri per uno strepitoso anno nuovo!” or “I wish you many, many best wishes for a resounding New Year!”
Last March 24th, I read in an article by James Panero titled “An Old Master in Ruins - Why is an El Greco worth less than a Koons? Gallerist Larry Salander called it a moral travesty, and decided, catastrophically, to do something about it.”
I liked the quote:
New York art dealer Larry Salander said, “Art is the human attempt to make one plus one equal more than two.”
Since this January marks
my eighth anniversary as a full-time artist, I wanted to do something special. As many of my blog followers know, I have been working in Florence, Italy, and learning more about creating abstract shapes while designing 2-dimensional art. I have also been making portraits of many of my friends here in Italy to continue to put these techniques to work.
Allora, for this month, I would like to offer to create a portrait for you of a loved one (alive or gone) and ship it anywhere in the world from Italy for free. Portrait prices are below and based on the medium and size you desire. And you do not even need to leave your home.
I often work via e-mail correspondence -- sending images along the way for client feedback. So if you would like to send me an image of the person(s) you want to have a portrait of, please contact me via my e-mail address:

When I work from photos, I prefer no flash. Directional lighting is more flattering and dimensional. More than one photo is helpful to let me see something more of the personality. I also need a signed and dated release from the photographer to allow me to use the image to create a drawing (copyright stays with the photographer, I only need a one-time release/permission to use the image).
You may choose:
Half life-size or smaller in pencil: $300 per head/person
Life-size (approx.) in charcoal: $500 per head/person
Life-size oil painting – monochromatic (sepia): $700 per head/person
If you prefer color, a life-size pastel drawing: $600 per head/person, life-size
Plus, FREE SHIPPING from Florence, Italy.
Please let me know if this is a gift or if you are having another deadline (such as an anniversary party or wedding) so that I can make sure you receive your original art on time. And of course, if you are here in Florence, Italy, I would love to make a drawing of you from life.
Thank you for your continued interest and support.