Dear Art Lover,
So, continuing my post from yesterday, I “discovered”
the Giardino dell’Orticoltura on my way home from Giovanni’s. I had decided to weave my way down unknown
streets while biking home that evening.
I had a vague idea of where I was, but each T in the streets led me to
re-evaluate my theory. These days I get
torn between my youthful love of getting lost on purpose to see what one can
see, and getting back to my work because I never feel that I have enough time.
Well, I had seen pictures of this park, but never
really took the time to figure out where it is.
However, I heard a long time ago that an open door is an
invitation. So, when I rode past an interesting
open gate, I turned around and decided to explore, rationalizing that “later
will not likely come and I am here now.”
Oh, what a delight!
And as the dusk approached, the sky became my favorite shade of
blue! Open at 8:30 every morning, the
closing time depends upon the season. From
January through March, the park closes at 6 p.m. Most of the time the park closes at 7 pm,
with the summer months of June, July, and August allow you to enjoy this public
space in the city until 8 p.m. Naturally,
I found myself being politely shoo’d out by the staff. But I was happy to have my curiosity
satisfied and I got to see tulips!
~ Kelly Borsheim, sculptor,
painter, writer, teacher