Cari Amici (Dear Friends),
I recently finished hanging another solo exhibit at Sei Divino’s here in Florence, Italy. I am off to Spain tomorrow to visit one of my models (and friend) there. But I am really looking forward to coming back to Italy for the art reception on the 19th, especially since my cousin Heather will be here. She has been invited to play volleyball in a tournament and it will be the first time we have met outside of the US.
Here is the info. The exhibit is open now, with a tentative closing date on the 26th of June. The reception is 6 p.m. on June 19, a Saturday.
Sei Divino Wine & Cocktail Gallery
Borgo Ognissanti 42r, Firenze, Italia [Florence, Tuscany, Italy]
Tel. (011 39) 055.217791 [ or call Kelly +39 334.245.0129 ]
Inaugurazione / Art Reception: 19 Giugno 2010 alle 18:00 +
Artist Kelly Borsheim
Kelly Borsheim è una scultrice americana che ama disegnare e dipingere. Michelangelo ha portata in Italia nel 2004 ed è stato qui a Firenze nel 2007 che divenne una madonnara. E 'stato in via Calimala, che ha imparato ad amare la pittura con i pastelli. Nel suo corpo attuale di lavoro 2-dimensionale, si combina la sua formazione classica presso l'Angel Academy of Art (Firenze) con i suoi disegni in strada, combinando luminosi, pastelli colorati (pigmento puro) con le sottigliezze si può esprimere con il carboncino.
Kelly attualmente divide il suo tempo tra il suo studio nel centro di Texas e in Firenze, Italia. Lei è rappresentata dalla Barry Franklin Gallery di Indianapolis, Il Curiouseum a Austin, Texas; La Galleria Crucible, Norman, Oklahoma (tutti in USA), e al Museo Gilardi, Forte dei Marmi, Lucca, Italia. Borsheim opere d'arte sono in collezioni private negli Stati Uniti e in Australia, Canada, Italia, Francia, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito e Nuova Zelanda.
Kelly Borsheim is an American sculptor who likes to draw and paint. Michelangelo brought her to Italy in 2004 and it was here in Florence in 2007 that she became a streetpainter. It was on Via Calimala that she learned to love painting with pastels. In her current body of 2-dimensional work, she combines her classical training from the Angel Academy of Art (Florence) with her streetpainting, combining bright, colorful pastels (pure pigment) with the subtleties one can express with charcoal.
Kelly currently splits her time between her studio in central Texas and in Florence, Italy. She is represented by The Franklin Barry Gallery in Indianapolis; The Curiouseum in Austin, Texas; The Crucible Gallery, Norman, Oklahoma (all in USA); and at the Museo Gilardi, in Forte dei Marmi, Lucca, Italy. Borsheim art works are in private collections throughout the United States and in Australia, Canada, Italy, France, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand.
Kelly Borsheim – Borsheim Arts Studio
Tel. +39 334.245 01 29
Artwork pictured here:
"Le Scale dell'Eros" (The Stairs of Love)
pastelli con carboncino [pastel with charcoal]
68 x 49 cm
copyright 2010 Kelly Borsheim
Please join the artist with her visiting cousin Heather at the art reception on 19th June.
ci vediamo li'! grazie mille.