Dear Art Lover,
Cecchi is a young and handsome Italian who really does seem ready to be a
model. He has a strong passion for the
beauty, the curious, and the past and present of Florence, Italy. And he writes about it. His newest book is called “Firenze romantica”
and is a sort of guide book by street names of where to find beautiful artworks
around the Renaissance City.
Florentia an oil painting that I did many
years ago depicting in mostly thin transparent paint the image of one of the
sculptures of a woman as she was backlit in the Palazzo Pitti in Florence. I also added the colorful Florentine
calligraphy with metallic highlights because I just adore the papers and
designs from those city artisans.
Tomorrow, November 3, Matteo is having a
presentation of his book by Professor Franco Cardini. YOU are invited. One of my former landladies told me that the ‘professore e molto bravo!’ And that is a good thing!
There will be a brindisi afterwards, which means a
little food and drink to celebrate.
Palazzo di Valfonda is rather close to the Santa Maria Novella train
station. I hope you will meet me there! Here are a few of the pages from the book . .

And on another front, I
recently finished writing my art newsletter.
This time the article is about Castelvecchio and its art, as well as La
Pieve, an Italian church that is known to have existed since 879 A.D. and has
carvings that seem more Mayan, Aztec, or African in origin. Check it out with lots of images here: