Cari Amici,
On Monday, I began working as an assistant to Canadian painter and current instructor at Angel Academy of Art Martinho Correia. Martinho is teaching a 2-week workshop on Painting Methods of the Great European Academies and I am happy to have been asked to assist so that I can learn something about this painting technique.
Allora, I am quite busy now as I prepare on my few “off” hours to return to Texas for a summer of teaching and sculpting. Luckily, I recently received an e-mail from the famous blogger Melinda Gallo with the attached photo taken on the 2nd of June here in Florence, Italy. I print it here with her permission. I heard about Melinda Gallo’s blog about her life in Florence last fall from my friend Lisa (who heard about it from her husband). And this past April, I met the writer at an ex-pat’s lunch in Piazza Della Signoria. Anyway, she caught me as I was re-creating William Adolph Bouguereau in 1888 titled “L’Amour au Papillon” or “Cupid With A Butterfly.”
If you want to visit Florence, you must certainly read her blog
Enjoy . . .