Thursday, July 27, 2017

Pond Sculpture Garden Art

Dear Art Lover,
Pond Sculpture Garden Sculpture Rock Towers and Frogs bronze     Last year I created a bronze sculpture to put into a pond [it sits over the water, not really submerged since there may be fish involved].  Here are images of the fairly sizeable artwork:

"Rock Towers and Frogs" /
Torri di sassi e Rane

bronze fountain sculpture
approx. 43" h x 24" w x 24" d [114 x 60 x 53 cm, 57 kg]**
© 2016 
Kelly Borsheim

     I am taking orders only on this work, in part because I have no storage space to create the bronze ahead of time.  But do not let that stop you!  Gardens are always works-in-progress and quality takes time.  A downpayment is all it takes to get the bronze started.  Contact me if you would like to know more.
In the meantime, here are more images of the finished bronze, as well as some of the work-in-progress [WIP]

Pond Sculpture Garden Sculpture Rock Towers and Frogs bronze

     I also had written a new art newsletter that I think I may have forgotten to post here on the blog.  It shows you pictures of my crazy family and an image or two from the wedding in late April in Florida.  The wedding portrait I made to my sister Dani and her new husband Joe’s specs was a hit with them… what a relief, what a challenge! 

     I hope your summer has been going well.  I move slower than usual [which my mother told me that if I ever did that, people might bury me… hahah, whoops!], but am making forward progress.  Still in therapy for my broken wrist, and trying to take the time to heal my knee properly so that I can get back to full-time art-making.

     Thanks for hanging in here with me.  I hope to show you new work in August!


Kelly Borsheim, artist