Cari Amici (Dear Friends),
Through word of mouth, I was invited to create a series of works for a potential exhibit in Austin, Texas, next year sometime. The show theme is about models and their creative energy with the artists they work with. And thus, I found myself at the home studio of my friend Maria Lyle along with another artist Patricia Lyle (no relation) working with belly dancers.
I show you here an experiment in which I used Conté Sepia Drawing Pencil on some kind of acrylic primed board I bought years ago to try out for oil painting. I intended to use the pencil only to sketch out my design and add paint later, but the more I got into the sepia, the more I was loving it.
Meet “Alana” She is an original drawing, sized 16 x 12 inches.
Today’s blog entry is dedicated to my Grandma Phyllis Pease, who did not wake up this morning 08-08-08. One of my favorite memories of her is when she stood in front of the St. Paul Cathedral with us. After a personal tour filled with family story telling, she looked adorable in her round white furry beret on a COLD Minnesota winter’s day as she invited us to her favorite neighborhood bar for a beer.