One of my errands today was to go to Zecchi’s Art Supply store and buy some tela (canvas) for my portrait commissions this month. I ended up toting the roll of unstretched canvas under my arm as I rode my bike – first to the studio for some life drawing and then to my friend Rita’s home for dinner and around midnight back to my home.
It was kinda fun to ride around central Florence, Italy, with an extremely long roll of canvas. I felt like a jouster. I feel like a real artist!

If you would like to get in on the fun, check out my portrait special this month to celebrate eight years of making art full-time:
From your photographs or from life, when possible:
You may choose:
Half life-size or smaller in pencil: $300 per head/person
Life-size (approx.) in charcoal: $500 per head/person
Life-size oil painting – monochromatic (sepia): $700 per head/person
If you prefer color, a life-size pastel drawing: $600 per head/person, life-size
Plus, FREE SHIPPING from Florence, Italy.
Contact me for details (just respond to this blog or visit my site).
Please let me know if this is a gift or if you are having another deadline (such as an anniversary party or wedding) so that I can make sure you receive your original art on time. All submitted photographs must be accompanied by permission from the copyright holder for a one-time use to create a painting from the photograph. And of course, if you were here in Florence, Italy, I would love to make a drawing of you from life.
Thank you for your continued interest and support.