In my last post, I wrote about the longest standing bridge in Florence, Italy, the Ponte Vecchio. This bridge was also built upon the most narrow point of the Arno River during its passage through Florence. I showed you some snapshots that I took during the day.
However, like most living entities, il Ponte Vecchio takes on a new life – and a new look – at night. In this first shot, I wanted to make a transition from my last posting. This is the middle part of the Ponte Vecchio as one of the more subtle sunsets I have witnessed from this bridge passes on and an Italian musician earns his wages sharing his music. You can see the silhouette of the bronze portrait of the Florentine Cellini in quite a prominent place.

It is believed that the bridge was originally built in Roman times, first being documented in the year 996. The lower section is stone, with the upper section utilizing wood and metal. During the day, the shops along the bridge are all opened up to show their wares, but at night … everything gets locked up behind wooden doors that drop down as protective awnings. This second image shows these awnings lowered over the door panels. You may see the long metal hooks that hang from above that are used to secure these tops out of the way while providing protection to customers in the event of rain. By the way, the Vasari Corridor passes along just above this area.

In these next images (including another reflected self-portrait), I wanted to share with you the beauty of the wood and metal doors. They are bathed in the golden light of the street lamps of Florence. Strangely enough, this city is fairly safe at night, even for a lone girl, and yet, one does not need to be out very late before noticing how deserted the city can be. It is quite lovely and one of my favorite attributes of Florence, Italy. Enjoy!

I am celebrating my birthday alone this year, if you do not count the many kind people sending regards electronically, including via Facebook. While I am currently staying out in the curvaceous hills near vineyards and olive groves outside of Florence, I am relishing the lack of convenient transportation close by and using it as an excuse to get back to my normal work schedule. Perhaps I will have more art to show you in the next few weeks.
Thank you so much for your interest in Italy and in my work. ti ringrazio.