And I am still being humbled. I had a big setback last Saturday after thinking that I was better and could work in the studio and afterwards visit a friend outside the city. And I have spent most of the time since then sleeping or being fed. I do not think I have ever felt this tired for this long. And my friend Eduardo just sent me a message inviting me to another costume party this weekend . . . Was missing Hélène’s cross-dressing party not enough? I am still sick, but anxious to get back to my life here in Florence.
But, all whining aside, I have finally published my latest art newsletter!
And some of it is not even a repeat of this blog! (click on the link to read the news)
And so, now, while I crawl back to sleep some more, I leave you with this image I took in a store window in Florence. Back in the States, it is popular to create a generic fiberglass sculpture edition, usually of some subject that is important to a specific community and ask many artists to paint one of the edition in whichever way they please. Michelangelo’s “David” has suffered no less. Here he is in some of his glory. Enjoy!
PS Happy Birthday (Buon Compleanno!) to Rudy and John.