It feels weird being out of touch for this long, but events got away from me. I was coerced into moving out of my apartment when I realized that the contract I signed up for was not the contract I found myself living with. I was left homeless in June and it is difficult to affordably rent an apartment for only one month, especially near the summer. I am grateful for the many friends here who supported me and to Inga, James, and Jason who showed up at night to help me move the first load.
So, the night of the 15th was my first night in a new flat in Florence, Italy. I found some lovely women to room with and they speak very little English! So, although I am no longer living inside the central part of Florence, I like the energy in my new home. However, I also contracted some annoying cough and cold. Allora, I will have to get settled in slowly to accommodate my work and healing schedule.

The first night en route to my new place, some of my friends and I caught this lovely sunset over the Ponte Vecchio. Trust me, my image does no justice. It was great to share the awe with people I know. What a beautiful night!
Last night, I stopped in at the High Bar on Via Dei Renai, 27/A. Owned by Luigi and Laura, Florentines who lived and met in London years ago, the High Bar is very neighborhood oriented. Some of my paintings hang in this space. Luigi is the kind of bartender one imagines: he can choose something to cures what ails you and he listens to your problems better than most priests (and without the obligatory ‘Hail Mary’s penance afterwards), giving advice if he thinks it is warranted. They both know most of their visitors by name, and often know what is new in their lives.

So, last night, I took my laptop back from storage in a friend’s flat and went to the High Bar to get connected again. I told Luigi of my raffraddore and he suggested a nice hot tea with limone, menta, e miele (lemon, mint, and honey). I also enjoyed the aperitivo that he had prepared for the evening. My favorites being the unusual combination of chickpeas and oranges in a sauce for dipping pita bread and crostini with red cabbage.
So, thank you for the e-mails I received. I apologize for worrying some, but I am in a healthier space now. Buona notte e grazie!