Saturday, December 20, 2014

Trieste Italy Architecture Part 1 of 3

Dear Art-loving friend,

I left Firenze for Trieste,Italy, on a night train recently.  It turned out that I had about a 6-hour layover before catching a bus into Croatia, my new home for the next couple of months.  Trieste is far more interesting than I had anticipated!   Check it out:

I had a few errands to run while I was still in Italy (and had some idea of what I was doing) and sadly, the cold that I caught before I left Firenze was starting to kick in.  I did not see as much of the city or especially even the port area as I wanted to.  Instead I returned to the station and sat in the warm café and worked on my laptop until the bus came.  I will say that I was delighted that the train station only charged three euro per bag per day for storage!  And the guy let me add my easel to my bags without an extra charge.  

Tomorrow I show you some SCULPTURE (I cannot WAIT to get back to carving stone on a daily basis), and the last post will be about the post office.  Sounds exciting, no?

In any event, I hope that you enjoy some of these architectural shots I took while walking around Trieste.  One can see that, like many northern Italian towns, the flavor starts to feel more Austrian than Italian, more Vienna than Roma.  Look at the WIKI link above to learn more about the ever-changing dynamics of the history of Trieste.

And in case you missed my recent art newsletter about Carrara and BLIND stone carvers, please click here:

Thank you.
Blatant Promo:  Give art or at least an art book as a Christmas gift – more unusual and personal than many other choices.  Check out my site for options:

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Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm,


~ Kelly Borsheim, sculptor, painter, writer, teacher

What a cool clock!  The way I see time:  spiraling out of control.

RAI TV rooftop

New technologies overrun the older space designs. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Decorations Florence Italy

Dear Art-loving friend,

Tuesday the 16th was my last night in central Firenze with friends . . . for a little while in any event.   We all met in Santo Spirito and took up a large room in the back of Cabiria, enjoying warmth, friendship, jokes, photo taking, and aperitivo.

Slowly our party lessened as the hour got later.  People drifted one way or another, lingering outside the bar in front of the Basilica di Santo Spirito.  This year children’s art was projected up onto the distinctively shaped but plain façade.  I was hoping to get a shot of the airplane one that I saw as I first arrived, but my friends assured me that the show continued for over 20 minutes and thus we moved on.  Peccato! 

At least I was able to convince them to take a small detour to see Via Romana decorated with bicycles and wheels.  And thus the walk home began, losing a friend here and there as the turn-off to various homes appeared along the path.  One advantage to living further out than most of my friends is seeing them off, and then walking alone at night in this lovely town.  The skating rink was the last image that I took, but sadly it was closed at this hour.  I had wanted to try it out before I left Firenze this year, but it was not to happen.

During my recent return to Caprese Michelangelo, I got a new idea from a dear friend about how to renew my permesso di soggiorno (permission to stay).  That lead to a bit of “last minute” running around [including being flustered by a post office strike, short office hours meaning a lost day, and the next day being told to go elsewhere when it was not exactly true].  However, hard-headedness and curbing my growing temper helped me be introduced to a woman in the Immigration Office who explained much of the Italian law to me and tell me a variety of options that I could pursue.   

At this time, all of my options mean first returning to the USA and applying for a new visa.  So, I am sticking to the plan for the moment:  90 days outside of Schengen Territory (most of Europe), up to 90 days back into Italy, and then I go back Stateside.  I am safe in Croatia now and I have a lot to accomplish and figure out before then!  

And in case you missed my recent art newsletter about Carrara and BLIND stone carvers, please click here:
Thank you. 


Blatant Promo:  Give art or at least an art book as a Christmas gift – more unusual and personal than many other choices.  Check out my site for options:

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A third way you may help is to forward this blog to someone you think may appreciate it.  The more readers, the more comments online, and wallah… lovers of art and Italy unite.
Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm,
~ Kelly Borsheim, sculptor, painter, writer, teacher