This past holiday season, I was one of many bloggers who offered prizes for the Menu for Hope V raffle fundraiser for the UN World Food Program. Those who donated funds in the form of buying raffle tickets were able to choose which prizes they would like to try to win.
This morning I mailed out my donated prize: the six giclée on watercolor paper of some of my images of Italy. The lucky bidder was and is . . . Ms. Alison Violano
Congratulations, Alison!

If you like the images you see in the included photo, please know that they are also available as giclée on canvas. I am selling these larger (16 x 20 inches) giclée to help raise money to pay for teeth for Rudy Sanchez, a young man that I have mentored since 1992. Rudy was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome and has been having surgeries to improve his life and his looks ever since he was born. After more reconstruction surgery in his jaw, his family does not have the $13,000 that Medicare will not pay for Rudy to have a set of choppers.
If you would like to help or if you would like to know more about Rudy and Treacher Collins Syndrome, please visit: