Oh Italy! How she changes a person. This next newly finished pastel painting is titled “World Traveler” and is part of my (casual) series of shop windows in Florence, Italy. He is making his debut at my just installed solo exhibition at The Vineyard at Florence (Texas, that is!). Your invitation to Thursday’s reception is below.

“World Traveler”
pastel on black Firenze paper
24” x 18”
copyright 2010 Kelly Borsheim
$2100 + $20 shipping (+ sales tax for Texas-based destinations)
“Italian Inspirations”
solo art exhibit by Kelly Borsheim
The Vineyard at Florence (central Texas, USA)
You are Invited!
17 Nov 2010 – 18 Jan 2011
Reception: 18 November (Thursday), Hours: 6-8:30 p.m.
LIVE jazz!
Kelly is exhibiting over 25 paintings and drawings and 5 bronze and marble sculpture (such as “The Offering”) in this invitational solo exhibit, mostly inspired by trips to Florence, Italy.
8711 W FM 487
Florence, Texas 76527
254.793.3363 (office)
Exit 266 from IH-35, head west to Florence, then right on Main,
4 miles to the Vineyard on right
I hope to see you there!