I drew with pastels again yesterday for the Madonnara work in Florence. This time -- no blues. I am out of blue pastels and did not want to buy more right now.
So, I chose to re-create another of my favorite works: The Libyan Sibyl of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. I love the colors and the twisting figure.
It was a fun day and I met many people; some even remembered me from last week. I even met the man who does Charlie Chaplin
It was another good experience and my body thus far has not hurt nearly as much as it did
after my first day as a street painter (3 days!). This must be all of the stairs and walking that I am doing here.
You perhaps can tell that as the day went on I got more tired and my drawing was not complete by the end of the day. I added the little
figure on the left in the last thirty minutes. I also did some kind of number on that nose! Sheesh. Oh well, I received
many compliments on how I am able to capture form. For me, this was kind to hear that people can even distinguish these sorts
of comments. Isolation is necessary to do work, but this direct feedback from an audience is quite fun and appreciated as well.
I hope you enjoy -- and see you after some of my travels in the next few days.
Ciao, ciao.
Hey you go girl, wish i was there to see your work...Rodney
Sculptfest is this Sunday we will be missing you...Rodney
ongratulations, that's a very poetical way to make visual art, I'm impressed by your skills!
it was a surprise because i came here actracted by "mathematics" "Psichology" and "language" tags, found in your interests.
go on!
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