Thursday, December 31, 2015

Modeling and Shoe Design

Dear Art Lover,

     Over the Christmas holiday, one of my girlfriends and I were reminiscing about our favorite models from our days together in Florence, Italy.  This one young man was intense and often studying during his breaks.  He was a professional cyclist and his figure told a lot.  Another friend of mine had a huge crush on him, so I organized a lunch one day at my nearby home and invited him over while she cooked.  Good times.  It is interesting to see how models lives change.  Some keep up with the work for artists; many move on.  Some do a little of both.

     I had an idea many years ago that my New Year’s Eve post would contain a new intentionally erotic artwork that I had made.  I wanted to bring back the memory of Pompeii and counteract this strange custom in the US (at least) of thinking negative thoughts about the bodies we have been given, as well as the bodies we have developed from what we have been given.  We have the capacity to bring and receive joy.  I believe that when we suppress many natural, but positive, qualities in ourselves, those desires manifest in crude ways.  I think it is better to teach our children healthy outlooks about our bodies and show them how magnificent the overall design!

     In this spirit, I would like to share with you my charcoal drawing of a standing Francesco.  I have not had time to create an intentionally erotic artwork, nor finish current figures in progress.  However, Francesco is a beautiful man, so I hope you can forgive me for sharing this drawing of him today.  I have many sketches of this model I wrote about in the above paragraph, but this one was a long-term study.  I am not sure why the school prefers to put the male models in this rather somber pose, but so be it.  Also, artists in the room got to pick their easel location based on a point system.  Since I was never great about doing homework or concerned about points, I was almost always last to choose.  I told myself that if I could get a good drawing from a position that no one else wanted, I would learn more.  But still, this pose rather fits our somber and often serious thinker, Francesco.

27 x 12" charcoal drawing on paper 2008
by Kelly Borsheim
For more information on this artwork, please visit:

     As I was writing this post this morning, a friend shared on Facebook this inspiring video.  I love it!  This is a fantastic story and with a Florence connection, too. Dream, but more importantly, listen (others sometimes see your voice before you do), and ACT. Watch this:  A great way to get inspired for your new year. And, yes, the shoes are cool, too!

     I hope you have fun plans for New Year’s Eve.  I will be dining with local friends and dancing afterwards.  I must say that I am surprised at the social life in these Tuscan mountains and was even more surprised when one of my British friends in Florence asked me if I was feeling isolated and lonely here.  Nope! 

     Joy and love and peace to you.

Ti voglio bene,

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