Wow – is time just whipping right on by! I have been busy wax sculpting, mold making, chasing and then spruing wax and finally last night, after taking my wax sprue with two new sculptures to the Atelier 3-D, made the investment mold of the whole contraption. The bronze pour happens later this month. Whew! What a week! Here is a self-portrait I took from my kitchen’s window sill while I was welding my wax sculptures to the sprue lines.

So, to follow-up. Here are a few images of the 2-day Old World Stone Carving Competition at The Vineyard at Florence (Texas). I will write more in the next post about my piece, jokingly titled “Stairway to Heaven” for now. There are more images on my Facebook page and I think the settings allow you to view them even if you are not technically my friend (and why are you not? - :0)

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