Saturday, June 13, 2009

Figure Drawing

Cari Amici (Dear Friends),

There is a young girl, Sarah, here in Florence, Italy, who has become one of my favorite models. She is punctual and charming to work with. And she is truly lovely.

I created this figure drawing in charcoal on the 3rd of June, taking a short break from street painting. I find sketching from a model between drawing in the street all day relaxing and engaging.

This original charcoal drawing is on "green-blue" Canson’s Mi-Tientes colored paper is approximately 14 inches tall. The female figure is half-seated and half-reclining as her legs reach toward the viewer and the model leans away, against a chair.

She is priced at $150, including shipping. Sales tax is extra and depends on your location. If interested in adding her to your collection, or allowing this drawing of Sarah to start your collection, please contact the studio or just use the PayPal button below.

Thank you so much for your support and interest!
Tell a friend, if you like.


Andrew said...

Your talent transcends medium. This is beautiful.

Jo Castillo said...

Just lovely, Kelly.

Kelly Borsheim Artist said...

Thank you so much! Now to start putting multiple figures together in more interesting and grand compositions . . .

Kelly Borsheim Artist said...

This drawing has SOLD! [Technically, it sold last year, but it is only now that I have returned to the US to retrieve and ship her.]
Thank you all for your interest and support!