Sunday, August 13, 2023

 I took my first shower today since the last one in hot, hot Firenze on 20 July, the day before my meeting with the wave in Viareggio that broke two of my thoracic vertebra.  Despite the challenges with this shower, afterwards, I sure feel glorious!

In case you have not heard, I broke my back and here is the story my siblings shared for me:

Oggi ho fatto la mia prima doccia dall'ultima nella torrida Firenze del 20 luglio, il giorno prima dell'incontro con l'onda di Viareggio che mi ha rotto due vertebre toraciche.  Nonostante le sfide con questa doccia, dopo, mi sento davvero gloriosa!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Orlando Exhibit, Cary Painting Workshop, Gymnast, and Texas!

 See the newsletter on my site:


In this issue of Borsheim Art News, 17 May 2023:

*  Teaching:  May 20:  Cary, NC
Art Reception:  25 May ~ Orlando, Florida
Gymnast marble gets some new colorful surroundings
*  Texas for bronze foundry work

Dear Art Lover,

     Breaking News:  exhibit in Orlando, Florida with the opening soon!  Scroll down for that info and invitation.

     First, another painting workshop.  The one last Saturday was a hit, with 11 total students, and THREE pairs of mothers with daughters.  We all really enjoyed the Mother's Day Tea with flower painting and some art history thrown in there.  Here is a still shot from the videos I took during the workshop.

Artist Kelly Borsheim taught a Mother's Day Tea and Floral Painting workshop in Sanford, North Carolina

    Next workshop is in CARY, North Carolina:  Your choice to paint in the medium you prefer (bring what you like) and choose at least one of 8 different flower images to use as reference (I bring those).  I will explain the centuries-old Atelier method of transferring compositions and some of the visual artist's alphabet tools at your disposal.  Any style of painting is welcome because you are the artist, you are the boss!

Floral painting workshop, Saturday, 20 May, 1:30 - 6 p.m.
hosted by the Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild in Cary.  Classes taught at:
Cary Quilting Company
935 N. Harrison Avenue
Cary, NC  
$55 fee to participate.

*  Contact me at if you would like the supply/materials list before the class starts.  Just pay when you arrive.  Beginners welcomed and encouraged.



     Gastronomy is an art exhibit inspired by food and wine. This might include a portrait of your favorite chef, still life paintings, a beautiful picnic scene, your favorite dish or beverage. We will also be including some abstract pieces and floral artworks.


       This elegant winery is located in the heart of Orlando. Dedicated to producing high quality wines from grapes sourced from all over the world. The tasting room is open throughout the week for guests to sample wine as they view the artwork on display.

Exhibition Dates:  May 23 - July 16, 2023
Opening Night May 25th, 6-8 p.m.     [And I will be there!  Probably with some of my family]

Chianti Wine, Cheese, and Grapes Still Life Oil Painting on exhibit in Orlando, Florida

Tel.  (407) 730-3082

FRI - SAT: 12PM to 8PM
*Please note, we occasionally close early for private events please check the website calendar.


They would like for people to RSVP or make reservations so they have an idea of how many will be there.  IF you can come, it would be great to see you.  Here is the link to let them know:

Please email questions about the art to:

For more information about the winery, go here:


Gymnast marble gets some new colorful surroundings

     The historical home behind my marble sculpture, the 'Gymnast' in Sanford, Florida, is getting a new paint job, a new palette, as I write.  The Palms of Sanford is owned by my Superwoman sister Amber and her charming and hard-working husband Alex.

What new colors would you think look wonderful in this three-story family home?  

     Here is the "before" image of the Gymnast on long-term exhibit before the paint job.  Stay tuned for the "after" shots.  It is so fun how color combinations really affect the voice of a space!

Original colors of historic home in Sanford, Florida, where the marble statue of a Gymnast in a pike position is on long-term exhibit

     The day after the artist's reception at the Quantum Leap Winery in Orlando, mentioned above, I will be returning to central Texas.  In case you have been following the portrait commission that I have been working on for months now (see my YouTube channel), this is the stage in which I will do some of the wax work at the bronze foundry.

     I anticipate four to five solid working days there before I must return east.  I doubt that I will have much free time, but in the case that I might, contact me if you would like to get together.   I miss so many of my friends in Texas and it has been four years since being there due to Covid.  

     In any event, Happy Memorial Day weekend soon in the US.  And enjoy May if you happen to hang your hat somewhere beyond those borders.

     Thank you for your being a part of my artistic journey, as well as for your friendship.

Yours truly,
Kelly Borsheim

P.S.  This art newsletter is dedicated to my father, who just passed his 80th birthday.  I was fortunate enough to be able to share that with him.  His passion was flying.  While he worries about how my passion can make for a healthy life, he still shows his support in so many ways.  He worries, he questions, he suggests, and he loves me, despite my flaws and struggles at times.  I love you, Dad!

More to see:

See how the art is created:  Subscribe to my YouTube channel!

If you would like to see more behind-the-scenes posts about my artistic life, you may become a patron of the art at any level at:


Contact Borsheim Arts Studio