Friday, April 9, 2010

Santa Trinita Church in Florence Italy

Cari Amici (Dear Friends),

The Church of Santa Trinita is across the river from my flat in Florence, Italy, not far from the ponte (bridge) by the same name. It is easy to recognize because of the figurative relief sculpture on the front of the church, above the door.

In this second image, I wanted to give you an overall feel of the inside of Santa Trinita. I really love the architecture in these Florentine churches, especially when the stones are alternated in color between the green and white marbles. And the frescoes on the ceilings and high on the walls always impress me with their magnitude of effort, if nothing else.

The Church of Santa Trinita appears to have it all: stained glass, frescoes, mosaics in stone (on the floors and walls), lovely arches, sculpture (of course!), fire, and paintings in several different styles.

The area behind the altar was open to tourists when I first arrived, but by the time I had walked to the back, a priest was shooing everyone out and closing off that part. I hope you enjoy today’s photos. I will be writing more about this church in the coming days.

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1 comment:

Gene P. said...

Thanks for sharing Kelly.
Photos are really great images to get a feel of what you are seeing.
Gene P.