Sunday, February 22, 2009

Carnevale Florence Italy

Cari Amici (Dear Friends),

I have been in my own head so much lately that I need reminders that it is Carnevale time in Italy! This afternoon I reluctantly left my studio to go to the Florence Academy of Art Alumni Exhibit. It is not that I did not want to see the show – I did – but I have more ideas in my head now and too little time. Most of the time, I enjoy working.

On my bike ride to the show, two charming children greeted me in the street. The girl was throwing confetti over her own head, while the boy was tooting his horn. I could not get my horrible camera out fast enough, but managed to take a couple of shots before they headed down the via with their parents.

Later I passed Piazza d’Ognissanti and caught the tail end of a small children’s festival. Most of the kids wore costumes and were dancing around and otherwise having a fairly social evening. I was enjoying the shadows cast by the setting sun.

Next time I will share with you something of the Florence Academy exhibit.

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